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Sustainable Marine Development 

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Our members are:

  • British Ports Association

  • British Marine Aggregate Producers Association

  • British Marine

  • Carbon Capture & Storage Association (CCSA)

  • Oil & Gas UK

  • Renewable Energy Association

  • Renewable UK

  • Subsea Cables UK (SCUK)

  • United Kingdom Major Ports Group (UKMPG)

  • The Crown Estate

The Seabed User & Developer Group represents some of these industries. We are an informal grouping whose participants have a common interest in sustainable development within the UK’s marine environment. We believe that sustainable win-win solutions are possible from what are sometimes seen as competing needs.

Writer's pictureSUDG News

Following earlier consultation with SUDG, Defra have introduced the Recovery process which allows certain projects to be called in by the Secretary of State for independent examination. SUDG have a number of concerns about the process, especially if it is used more than very infrequently or if it is employed simply to delay approval.

Defra have reassured that this will not be the case and they have just released this guidance about how the process will be undertaken. There have been no cases called for recovery yet as the process was only introduced in October but the Government has said that it will review the process in a year’s time so if anyone does have experience of this in the coming months it would be useful to hear from you.

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