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Sustainable Marine Development 

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As a group, the SUDG has been discussing how to make net gain a success in coastal and marine environments for a number of years, working with other stakeholder to understand the challenges and opportunities that net gain will present. Throughout discussions, there has been a general consensus amongst all stakeholders that for net gain to be successful in the coastal and marine environments, it must be delivered strategically, avoiding a piecemeal approach. This is a fundamental component of successful net gain and should be the overarching driver for developing a delivery approach.

SUDG response to Defra's Marine Net Gain Principles_v2
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Defra's Biodiversity Net Gain Consultation_SUDG_final
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Marine industries continue to be generally supportive of the concept of net gain, both in the intertidal and marine environments, however, to maintain this support it is essential that net gain is delivered in such a way that secures the best environmental outcomes with the least bureaucracy and burdensome regulatory processes for developers. The introduction of net gain will be one of the biggest changes to consenting developments in the UK for over a decade, and there is great potential to contribute to significant improvements in our rapidly declining natural environment, but there is also a considerable risk, that if administered badly, it will create a legislative nightmare for potential projects, stifling development and restricting marine industries growth by making certain projects unviable.

With support from OWEC, the SUDG has worked with The Crown Estate, eNGOs, government and SNCBs to develop strategic targets for delivering net gain both in the intertidal and marine environments, and these should form the basis for establishing a net gain delivery approach.

The final report presents a robust set of suggested strategic targets for MNG, which have strong consensus and agreement from all sectors; industry, regulators and conservation bodies. The targets set a clear direction for how developments could contribute towards MNG to restore and improve the marine environment, linked to national strategic priorities.

R3734_Final Strategic Net Gain Report_22Oct21
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