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Sustainable Marine Development 

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The Government set up an independent review panel under teh chairmanship of Richard Benyon to examine teh need for HPMAs and to make recommendations. SUDG chair, Peter Barham, was on the panel along with Benj Sykes, co-chair of the Offshore Wind Industry Council. SUDG and OWIC have responded positively to the report and the recommendations which show that conservation and industry can work together as long as there is clear science, clear management and clear enforcement of HPMAs

Please see the updated socio-economic report on marine industries. This report updates on the work done in 2008 and shows the importance of marine industries in providing new jobs and in tackling the challenges of climate change through development.

SUDG and key wildlife organisations including The Wildlife Trusts, RSPB, WWF and the Marine Conservation Society have prepared a joint statement which sets out clear objectives for the UK Government to manage the marine environment which would benefit conservation and the marine economy. Please read the statement and if you have any comments contact us on

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